Smart India

Hackathon 18

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What is Smart India Hackathon 2018?

Work One

About SIH 18

Our Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, envisages a Digital India to bridge the digital divide in our country and further promote digital literacy in order to make development a comprehensive mass movement and put governance within everyone’s reach in India.
In order to work towards our PM’s vision, MHRD, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Inter Institutional Inclusive Innovation Center (i4C), and Persistent Systems organized Smart India Hackathon 2017, a unique initiative to identify new and disruptive digital technology innovations for solving the challenges faced by our country. The initiative was a huge success. To reiterate the efforts towards our PM’s vision,Persistent Systems is proud to propose the 2nd edition of this initiative – Smart India Hackathon 2018.

Work One

Its About Making Ideas Happen

Smart India Hackathon 2018 is a non-stop digital product development competition, where problems are posed to technology students for innovative solutions.
      It includes:

  • Harnesses creativity & expertise of students.
  • Sparks institute-level hackathons.
  • Builds funnel for ‘Startup India’ campaign.
  • Crowdsources solutions for improving governance and quality of life.
  • Provides opportunity to citizens to provide innovative solutions to India’s daunting problems.



Intra college Hack Contest 2018
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Intra college Hack 2018 is a contest in which students can pose their innovative ideas to the challenges faced in day to day life. More

Smart India Hackathon 2018 Results
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We are proud to inform that one of our PEC Team, Team VIP have been shortlisted in the Results of Grand Finalae 2018 under the Ministry ofWater Resources,River Development and Ganaga Rejuvenation.

Grand Finalae SIH 2018 :Venue:Varanasi.
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We are proud to inform that our Pec team have participated in the grand finalae Smart India Hackathon2018 at Varanasi.They have developed Mobile App called "Ganga Rejunvation" to eliminate water pollution.
