
Design and Developed by pec

Department of Civil Engineering POs, PEOs

    PEO 1: Career and Higher Education
  • Graduates will excel in their Professional Career and Higher Education in Civil Engineering
  • PEO 2: Sustainable Development
  • Graduates will adapt to the Modern Engineering Tools for Planning, Design, Execution and Maintenance of works with sustainable Development in their Profession
  • PEO 3:Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • Graduates will be equipped with the skills to pursue higher education and be expert in their profession adopting lifelong learning
  • PEO 4: Professionalism
  • Graduates will have the ability to present and practice team based projects with professional ethics and social responsibility

    PO1: Engineering Knowledge
  • Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and core engineering for complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem Analysis
  • Design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data.
  • PO3: Design and Development of Solutions
  • Design a system, components or process to meet the desired requirements
  • PO4: Investigation of Complex Problems
  • Use research based knowledge to conduct investigations of complex problems
  • PO5: Modern Tool Usage
  • Use modern techniques and tools necessary in Civil Engineering.
  • PO6: Engineer and Society
  • Provide designs in Civil Engineering relevant to societal needs.
  • PO7: Environment and Sustainability
  • Acquire contemporary knowledge to sustain in the ever changing environment.
  • PO8: Ethics
  • Apply professional ethics
  • PO9: Individual and Teamwork
  • Exhibit individual and leadership qualities in multidisciplinary group.
  • PO10: Communication
  • Comprehend and communicate effectively in a team.
  • PO11: Lifelong Learning
  • Engage independently in lifelong learning
  • PO12: Project Management and Finance
  • Plan and manage a project in a cost effective manner